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reinforcement learning
LEGO© resources (hardware, software)

Lego© Mindstorms™ offer a tangible way for students to learn cognitive science principles and be directly involved in the experiment and design process. Not only can the Legos themselves be altered and rebuilt according to the needs of the classroom but the RCX allows detailed programs to be written and edited to demonstrate ideas such as learning and evolution.

Reinforcement Learning

This tutorial explores the importance of reinforment learning through the use of a seesaw which learns to continually keep a wheel in motion. The software is written in LeJos, a java-based software for the RCX.

Tutorial - for student or teacher use.
Appendix - for hardware and software setup.
Software - for the RCX

Original LEGO see-saw design site
Improved see-saw design site


This is a curriculum which involves a group of students and a number of Mindstorm kits to demonstrate the adaption of traits toward specific functions.

Curriculum - for teacher's use. includes worksheets, design specifications.

LEGO© Hardware

LEGO Education - Site focused on education with the use of LEGOs. Has tutorials, links, store and more.
LEGO Mindstorms - Main site and store for Mindstorms.

LEGO© Mindstorms™ Software

Lejos - Java for the RCX.
NQC - a language for the RCX with syntax similar to C.